Great Pentecost-related art work
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
I was really taken by the art work that went with Pentecost. See Pentecost Sunday at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley 2006 - a photoset on Flickr for more pictures.
Great Pentecost-related art work
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
I was really taken by the art work that went with Pentecost. See Pentecost Sunday at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley 2006 - a photoset on Flickr for more pictures.
Drift wood undrifted
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
Laura and I had a wonderful time on the North Coast this weekend. We had lunch in Petaluma, spent an hour on the windy and scenic Sonomoa Coast State Beach, eat dinner at the Gualala Hotel, spent the night in Ukiah, bought a piece of folk art in Healdsburg, and then had dinner with an out-of-town friend in Berkeley.
The picture shows drift wood reconstructed on the Sonoma Coast State Beach.
Spotted at Berkeley Bowl: I didn't know that you can buy sour grapes
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
Aren't sour grapes only of our own making?
I used to be big fan of the World Almanac
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
As I kid, I loved owning and browsing through reference books such as The World Almanac. For quite a few years, I would excitedly plunk down money for each new edition of the almanac. Now in the age of the internet and given that I'm a lot older and less in a serendipitous frame of mind, I'm less inclined to buy a copy of the alamanac.
ferry to Sausalito
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
Last Sunday, we took the ferry to Sausalito from San Francisco. The boat ride was a kick. Sausalito was, as expected, ok. See more pictures in a set: Celebrating our first wedding anniversary.
Happy Worker has done it again....Presenting the SuperMom Action Figure:
on the way into the de Young Museum
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
The new de Young Museum is a visual feast. Laura and I took Friday off to hang out there. Please take a look at de Young and Golden Gate Park (April 21, 2006) , some of my pictures from the day at the museum and at Golden Gate Park.
our first taxes as a married couple
Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.
Last Saturday, Laura and I performed an important rite of passage as a married couple: we filed joint federal and state tax returns. We continue to learn more and more about each other. It was certainly interesting to see how we work together on filling out paperwork....
This weblog has been corrupted somehow....I'm trying to fix the problem. I am not able to delete the previous error-ridden post. What I meant to write is:
I was tempted to buy this copy of Mathematics, which I found at the Depot for Creative Reuse. Flipping through the pages was like traveling back to my grade school days. Each page, each picture evoked memories of being a kid and spending a lot of time learning mathematics by myself at the Timmins Public Library. I was about to buy the book until I reminded myself that 1) I had just gotten rid of 14 boxes of books in the last six months and 2) I'm no longer a grade-school kid learning mathematics in Timmins.