It's so cool to learn about new fruit at Berkeley Bowl. For instance, the eye-catching pepino.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
explicit exemption for police!
When I have seen the police bicycling on sidewalks, I have wondered what type of example they've been setting. Enforcing laws for everyone else, while themselves in the process of flaunting the laws. Now I know that the laws explcitly exempt the police. Hmm....
Could we live forever on this earth?
I really enjoyed Do You Want to Live Forever? because I was fascinated by how a brilliant outsider could synthesize vast bodies of interrelated facts to come up with startling (if unorthodox) theories about a profound topic as human aging and (im)mortality.
Yesterday’s pictures
The view outside of 110 South Hall
After a great seminar, it is a refresher to look out the window.
Congratulations to Charles Townes
Berkeley Nobel Physicists Charles Townes wins a big award, as reported in the Daily Cal: Professor's Spiritual Work Gets Him Award
flowers outside of the car wash
I was amazed by the combination of variety and orderliness and prettiness outside the car wash.
Gardening books galore
I hadn't realized how popular gardening and gardening books are. Witness this book display at a local Barnes & Noble.
An attempt to capture a budding flower
I'm learning for the first time how to use the macro setting on my digital camera. Still struggling.
Milosz poetry books at Cody’s
There really aren't that many copies of Milosz's poetic work at Cody's. Given that I'm really into his poetry right now, I expect the rest of the world to be in the same state of active engagement. A quick glance at the bookshelf at a local bookstore reveals otherwise.
Update: Lloyd wrote the following to me: "There might be more Milosz volumes at Black Oak Books, actually, in either/both the new and used sections. The folks at Black Oak always had a soft and warm spot for Milosz, who after all was practically the neighborhood poet laureate, living as he did just up the hill on Grizzly Peak Blvd (near my friend Jane's house, where I used to live; I'd occasionally see him when he'd be out walking). "