For a moment, the idea of chocolate-covered sunflower seeds was off-putting -- until I remembered how much I like chocolate-covered peanut cups!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
“Why Waste Water on Weeds?”
I was delighted by Josh McPaul's message: that God's desire is for the "full harvest", that God wants to extract every possible goodness from creation. The sermon is available online.
nice parallel parking, eh?
Driving a car in Berkeley demands that I get pretty good at parallel parking. This morning, I was particularly proud of my parking. (I know that I'm being silly boasting about parking....)
Miyazaki retrospective at the PFA
I'm grateful that some friends, Laura, and I will be able to see at least one film this coming Sunday in the retrospective.. Tickets have sold out quickly!
Anyone tried the Adagia Restaurant yet?
A friend mentioned the restaurant to me yesterday, wondering whether I had eaten there. Surprisingly, I've not eaten there -- even though I was on the board of Westminster House when we approved proposals for what ultimately became the Adagia Restaurant.
Laura and I have been married a month now!
The one-month date of Laura's and my wedding was reinforced to me when I filled in the date for today's parking permit.
Why does the back window fog up overnight but not the others?
I feel that I should know the answer but don't.
birthday lunch for Chris at Jupiter
Jim, Lynn, Chris, Isaac, Tom, and I were at Jupiter for lunch to celebrate Chris' birthday.
My passport renewal is on the way
Canadian passports expire after five years. Today, I sent off my application. It was actually a real pain to pull together. Now, I understand that it's important to make faking passports difficult. But I was annoyed the various hoops I had to jump through.
It's also scary to send off my existing passport and my birth certificate in the mail. At this moment, I don't have any official proof that I'm a Canadian. What happens if I need to make an emergency return to Canada? I'm not sure.
I'm hoping that I just worry too much!
Happy Birthday, Chris!
Forty-Eight Birthday Drawings. 48 is a very special number in my mind: the number of preludes and fugues in the two books of JSB's Well-Tempered Clavier May there be another set of 48 in 48 years!