
The third Saturday of every month, I make telephone calls for
Tele-Care. Tele-Care is a free-of-charge service which has been in
existence of about 35 years and reaches out to elderly shut-ins or
others who are limited in mobility. We call to make sure they are doing
ok. We also call to express our concern and affection for our clients.
For many Tele-Care clients, the daily phone call is the only regular
form of human contact.

I have been a volunteer for about six years. I've often said that I
don't forsee ending my volunteering until I either move out of the area
or pass away. I've not tried to recruit my friends into volunteering
just yet -- but should they be interested I'd be glad to tell them

Several months ago, the SF Chronicle ran an article about the Tele-Care program on the occasion of a great luncheon: East Bay: Lunch brings Tele-Care volunteers and clients face to face.

Reading the New York Times

I like reading the New York Times on a more or less daily basis. Although its columnists (such as Tom Friedman, Nicholas Kristoff, and Paul Krugman) are no longer available for free, I remain an avid reader. There's hardly a day in which I can't find a piece that is either useful or interesting or both. Here are some recent pieces that I've enjoyed:

Hmmm....there's a real estate theme in this list, isn't there?

peaceful spot at the GTU bookstore

peaceful spot at the GTU bookstore

Originally uploaded by Raymond Yee.

It's been a long time since I spent any time at the GTU Bookstore. Since I walked up to the northside of campus for lunch yesterday (Thursday), I decided to stop in. I didn't remember the couch next to the window, which is a winning feature of the bookstore. How wonderful it would be to contemplate one's life, relationship with the cosmos, with other humans, and with God surrounded by the companionship of books.

Bamboozled by bureaucracy

The last several days, I was unable to write on my weblog because I was engaged in an epic and draining battle with bureaurcracy. The time I would have spent writing was devoted instead of calling officials who were putting parts of my life on hold. I plan to write more about the specifics once I'm completely out the woods. (I've experienced enough unexpected turns for the worse to make hesitate in declaring closure.)