I dream of a Bach Digital Library (part 2)

Yesterday, I
wrote about the different representations I want to have available in the BDL.
Perhaps a clearer statement of the BDL's scope is that everything of relevance
to Bach should be either be directly contained by the BDL or would referable
from the BDL. There is no way a BDL can subsume all the wonderful resources
that others are developing about Bach. However, it would be great if the BDL
could know about these other resouces and "interoperate" with them
so that it would be easy for someone to make the best use of all these materials

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I dream of a Bach Digital Library (part 1)

Sometimes I don't know where my personal projects end and where my professional
interests begin. (Is that a good or bad thing?) Take the case of one of the
dream projects that I have recently been raving about to both friends and colleagues.
I want to build the Bach Digital Library (BDL). When I proceed to describe what
I mean by the BDL, I usually add the qualification that I don't have be the
one to mastermind the BDL -- I wouldn't mind if it came into being because of
the efforts of others. Yet's it clear that I'd be disappointed if I didn't get
to have some input into a BDL since the fun for me is not only in the Bach-part
but the digital library part.

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