In search of childrens books and the child within

i spent some time this afternoon at the Berkeley Public Library searching for children's books that involve Chinese-American or Chinese-Canadian characters and themes. (What I found is summarized in my Wiki entry ChineseNorthAmericanChildrensBooks.) Two major reasons motivated my search. First of all, I'm an uncle now; my sister Janice recently had a baby boy! Second, as I have alluded in past entries, I myself could stand to do a lot more reading. I actually think that reading children's books is a good way for me to get started. Not only do they assume less background on the part of the reader than adult books (naturally!), but they are really deeply multi-senory experiences that touch deeply the child in me who needs to get a bit more educated.

I'll continue my search, updating my wiki along the way. I didn't realize how much I'm enjoying spending more time in the children's sections of my local bookstores and libraries!