Wikiing while not knowing what to blog

Some days, I really don't know what to blog. That doesn't mean that I don't have anything to write. For good or bad, I've gotten to a point where I want my blog entries to be reasonably well-crafted. And often, I don't have quite enough energy to write such entries.

That's where my wiki comes in. I don't feel the same high standards for entries there and therefore feel freer to do braindumps there. Ocassionally if I write something of particular interest in my wiki, I'll draw attention to it on my blog. Should you care, you can find out what's new on my wiki by going to the RecentChanges page, where you can see that I wrote recently about BachAndJazz and that my former housemate Christian Stimming has been posting information about his upcoming wedding to Anne. (Congratulations, Christian!)