MIC 02-2 Refining bike.py with more options and a better understanding of Pandoc

bike.py (python-learning/bike/bike.py at f1bf45be1e886bf66c3dad97d3b0694a847528b3 · rdhyee/python-learning) is my working script for converting the currently selected rows in Bike (and their enclosed rows) to Obsidian flavored markdown, copying that markdown to the clipboard, and also writing it to a ScratchPad note in my Obsidian vault.

I am working on more fully integrating bike.py into my workflow before polishing the script to make it more useful to others and easier to maintain.

On my programming to-do list today and tomorrow are:

  • relearn Click and try out Typer so that I can add arguments and options to bike.py to change bike.py from a single purpose script to a script that will ultimately handle all aspects of automating the Bike program.
  • grok the containment hierarchy of the Pandoc AST -- what elements are allowed where in the tree hierarchy, specifically, whether I can wrap list items into anything other than a list-like container. I will study Document structure - Pandoc (Python Library) and use the Python pandoc library to help me grok the Pandoc metamodel.

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