MIC-01-4 Pandoc, tell me about yourself

I want to develop a mutually supportive habit of programming and writing together.  I feel torn right now because writing and coding feel like competitors for my focus and time.  I know that writing and programming are not enemies -- that I know -- but it will take patience and practice to harmonize (dare I say, synergize) them.

Over the past several months, I've made progress on programming MyInfoNet that pleases me. For better or worse, I've not spent much effort in communicating with others about the work I've been doing. While I jot copious notes to myself, I haven't forced myself to turn those notes into coherent prose.

Today, I've been focused on understanding how to use pandoc to handle Obsidian Flavored Markdown. Markdown is a popular lightweight markup language that has many "variants", "flavors", or "dialects".  I started experimenting with asking pandoc itself to tell me about the formats it supports and extensions that are supported for a given format (specifically markdown).

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