I write best in the morning

The best time for me to write is the morning. That's why I need to get to bed
on time -- so that I can wake up and have enough presence of mind to write.
Let me just quote something I typed into my personal wiki this morning:

I need to hop in the shower in the next few minutes if I'm to have much hope
of getting down to work in a timely fashion today. I've had a good start of
a day so far. I got up at 6:30 am without too much trouble, after having had
a reasonably lengthy night of sleep. The foggy but frantic confusion that
is characteristic of many days is far away from the calm of the first minutes.
And so far, I've managed to keep centered. Morning is a wonderful time to
reaffirm important matters and to get back in touch with God and myself --
and thus, ultimately, with the larger world.

I've been saddled with a mild case of "who cares? what does it matter
blues?" lately. One example is that of the re-missioning meetings of
First Presbyterian
. I had to fight hard to drag myself there, bedraggled by cynical
feelings about the process and possibility for change. Fortunately, the meeting
I attended humbled me -- and I learned how stupidly smug I can be.

After I got out of the shower, I wrote:

In the shower, I decided that I should start writing bold statements of what
I believe, think, and feel with hedging them. There is room for clarification,
qualification, and even retraction and repentance for them -- but I've been
stuck in a muddle for two long looking at the details when I'm not just coming
out to say what is really going on (for good or for bad).

I wrote a series of bold statements and was about to copy them into this post....but
I'm not ready to share with you what those statements are. Sorry.