A new Ozu fan?

Because I'm planning to see some of the 30 or so films of Yasujiro Ozu that the PacificFilmArchives will be showing in November and December, I decided to see at least one ahead of time to judge how excited to get by the upcoming retrospective (this year is the centenary of Ozu's birth).

Last night, I rented and started to watch what many consider Ozu's greatest film, Tokyo Story. I found it really slow-going and, in fact, fell asleep in the middle of the film. I didn't take that as a negative sign of Ozu's artistry (but more of my fatigue). I watched the rest of Tokyo Story this afternoon and found the film a very satisfying experience. Maybe I'm struggling very much with how I as an adult son thousands of miles away from my parents am or am living as a good son -- but the movie speaks right to the heart of my family situation.