Studying how Asian Americans interpret the Bible differently

I'm curious about GTU professor Kah-Jin (Jeffrey) Kuan, a specialist in Old Testament studies, because of his interest in "Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics". By the time I learned that he was teaching a summer course this year on the subject, it was already too late to attend. I interpret the Bible differently from my non-Asian friends because of my ethnic background (yes, I know, as a Canadian, I'm not Asian-American).

2 thoughts on “Studying how Asian Americans interpret the Bible differently

  1. Dear Raymond,

    I recently read an article by Prof Kuan that might satisfy your curiosity. If you’re interested in Prof. Kuan’s views you can check out the site below.

    But I have to caution you that Prof. Kuan takes a post-modern approach to biblical hermeneutics. His approach is quite different from the GCF approach which is derived mostly from the Scottish Commonsense Enlightenment.


  2. Do you have a good reference to “Scottish Commonsense Enlightenment” and how it might relate to an Intervarsity-like bible study methodology?

    Hmmm…maybe I’ve become more postmodern myself? 🙂

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