What Nicholas Ray film(s) to see?

I'm finally sitting down to pick a film or two or three of Nicholas Ray's to see with my friends. (It seems that we've all been so swamped with life that we still haven't decided what to see.) Alas, as Ray Davis pointed out, many really interesting ones have already come and gone.

I decided to look at the film resources that Lynn pointed to. My first reaction was "wow, that's way to much -- give me google; I can put up with getting garbage as long as I don't have to wade through so much dense good stuff." But somehow, I persevered, looked through a few links and ended up using the Movie Review Query Engine to look up MRQE: King of Kings (1961)
Even though I'm a Christian, I must admit that I haven't found very many Bible stories on film that interesting. And now in the early 21st century, I don't expect to see any made by prominent mainstream directors. So the prospect of seeing a Hollywood picture on Jesus that, as the PFA notes describes, "surprised critics as a profound, affecting story of Christ" intrigues me.

I'll have to see what my buddies think. (I'm also considering The Savage Innocents and 55 Days at Peking....)

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