I want to do a closer reading of Philip Jenkins' Believing in the Global South
because it helps me to see how much of my cultural heritage/baggage is
entwined with my particular experience of Christianity in the west.
The functionality I showed in class a week or two ago, namely the
blogging integration in Flickr, got mixed reviews. I think it's so cool
to be able directly to weblogs right within Flickr. Some people agree,
others thought that things are still too messy, that few non-techie end
users would use this functionality. I would certainly agree that
configuring weblogs is still a bit too difficult to do within Flickr.
(I think the flock is a pretty good job of figuring out how to
configure a weblog given its URL.) It is true that plumbing is really
exposed right now. And that in the future, we need to move towards more
hidden and interconnected plumbing.
It's good to know that you can get average temperatures for places such as Sitka, AK when you think about traveling to such places.